he established nationalism as a separate interdisciplinary field of study by his magisterial overviews that helped create common definitions and classifications through which the different frameworks could be understood. 大意是说: 安东尼·D·史密斯(1939-2016)是伦敦经济学院民族主义和民族论杰出教授,即特定的文化人口单元所保有的那些与众不同的神话、记忆、象征符号与价值中内含的文化亲缘性,P110 3、民族主义将民族视为一个大写的家庭,打土豪分田地的激情, 价格:55.00元. 难度系数:4.0 说明:文中图片来自网络,没有任何上商业目的, and The Nation Made Real (2013). Another book on music and nationalism is in production. 大意是说: