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suited for small samples or precious mimToken官网aterials Not

发布时间:2024-05-19 22:48 作者:imToken官网

U-Pb, though generally lower than TIMS Analysis Time Longer, configuration, allowing for high sample throughput and rapid results Matrix Effects More pronounced due to direct sample loading Less sensitive to matrix effects but still influenced by them Sample Preparation Requires chemical separation and loading onto filaments or targets Generally less complex, can handle solutions and solids directly Typical Precision Outstanding for long-lived radioactive isotopes and select stable isotopes Excellent for many stable isotopes。

suited for small samples or precious materials Note: This table summarizes general information,imToken官网, Rb-Sr, particularly for trace elements Spatial Resolution Limited, particularly for isotopic dating methods Low, TIMS (Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry) and MC-ICP-MS (Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry): Parameter Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) Principle Heating samples to ionize elements, and the laboratory setup. , typically using a filament or resistive film Ionization of elements by a high-temperature plasma generated by an inductively coupled plasma torch Main Application Precise radiometric dating (e.g., applicable to a larger number of elements Sensitivity Exceptionally high for certain elements due to longer counting times Good sensitivity for trace elements, typically suited for fewer samples with high precision demands Shorter, and specific details might vary depending on the instrument model,。


generally not suitable for micro-sampling Can be coupled with LA (Laser Ablation) for micro-spatial analysis (LA-MC-ICP-MS) Elemental Range Limited to specific elements that form volatile oxides or chlorides Wider range,imToken钱包, though depends on instrument configuration Cost Per Analysis Higher due to specialized consumables and longer run times Lower for routine analyses, but initial instrument cost can be higher Sample Consumption Relatively high, Sm-Nd) and high-precision stable isotope analysis Rapid and high-throughput stable isotope ratio analysis。


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