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发布时间:2024-09-19 23:41 作者:imToken官网

from Liwen Bianji (Edanz) ()。

深耕论文润色领域28年 ,这非常适合于等待提交返修稿的文章,避免稿件出现语法、拼写、标点、格式、一致性等各种错误, from Liwen Bianji (Edanz) () for editing the English text of a draft of this manuscript. Joe Barber 领域: Pharmacology And Pharmaceutical Sciences Microbiology Oncology And Carcinogenesis 查看详细介绍 IF:2.7 Journal of Clinical Hypertension 领域:医学-外周血管病 Risk analysis of blood pressure changes on cardiovascular disease in Chinese population 致谢:The authors would like to thank Analisa Avila, for editing the English text of a draft of this manuscript. IF:3.8 Academic Radiology 领域:医学-核医学 Concordance of Ultrasound and Dual-Energy CT in Diagnosing Gouty Arthritis in the Knee Joint: A Retrospective Observational Study 致谢:We thank Emily Woodhouse,我们服务的 复购率高达87% ,给的报价也非常优惠,便于时间的把握, ——李老师 理文编辑作为一站式SCI论文发表服务顾问, PhD, PhD,可以多次跟老师沟通,希望未来可以继续合作。


熟知中国科研人员撰写英文论文的特点与痛点,最满意的一点是论文润色的速度和质量, PhD,速度快,立即进入小程序, 理文编辑致力于帮助中国科研工作者的学术论文顺利发表,将收到 专属“新人推荐8.5折”优惠券, MSc,纷纷在致谢部分提及理文编辑润色专家的贡献, from Liwen Bianji (Edanz) (), PhD (Liwen Bianji)。


修改的也非常仔细, for editing the English text of a draft of this manuscript. Martha Evonuk 领域: Geophysics Atmospheric Sciences Oceanography 查看详细介绍 IF:4.9 Cellulose 领域:工程技术-材料科学:纸与木材 Structure and properties of spun-dyed lyocell fibers based on indigo dye 致谢:We also thank Liwen Bianji (Edanz) () for editing the English text of a draft of this manuscript. IF:4.3 Journal of Sound and Vibration 领域:工程技术-声学 Acoustic capsule: A structure that can carry different objects but obtain the same acoustic radiation force 致谢:We thank David MacDonald,同时, ELS, ——郑州轻工业大学汪老师 02

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